Who we are & what we do
There are 6 Parish Councillors and a Parish Clerk. The 'precept' or funding for the Council is part of the Council Tax collected by North West Leicestershire District Council. The Parish Council receives a small amount of money for each person in the village.
The Parish Council generally meets on the second Tuesday of every month. Notices advising you are placed around the Village on the noticeboards and in the village shop. All Parishioners are welcome to attend, however, will only be granted a 'voice' if prior permission sought. This ensures all Parish Council business can be conducted at the scheduled meeting.
Parish Council Elections
The Declaration of Results can be found on the North West Leicestershire District Council's website..
Our councillors are elected or co-opted. If you would like to become a councillor or find out more about what they do then please contact the clerk. Each councillor is requires to complete a register of interests.
Sam Moscone | Vice Chair | 07954 136251 | |
Nicola Burbidge Mullen | Chair | 01530 224761 07752 429902 | |
Robert Commons | Councillor | 07403 094451 | |
Shirley Richards | Councillor | 01530 223197 07729 611630 | |
Lindsay Wainwright | Councillor | 01530 223422 | |
David Whitt | Councillor | ||
Helen Chadwick | Clerk | 07827 785836 |
Members Code of Conduct
NWDLC Code of Conduct (Word Document, 663 Kb)
If you feel that any parish councillor is in breach of their code of conduct this can be reported to the monitoring officer at NWLDC. Local Authorities are required to appoint a Monitoring Officer to generally oversee the introduction and operation of the Councillors Code of Conduct and to keep the statutory Register of Members Interests - https://www.nwleics.gov.uk/contacts/monitoring_officer
Belton Parish Council Standing Orders
Standing Orders 2024 (PDF, 293 Kb)
The standing orders are currently being updated.
Our Staff
Helen Chadwick
Parish Council Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer
- Telephone
- 07827 785836
- clerk@beltonparishcouncil.org.uk